What are attributes? How many attributes we can use inside a tag? What is element with example? Structure of HTML and the extension to save html file.

  • Attribute.
  • How many attribute used inside a tag?
  • Element.
  • Example of Element.
  • Structure of HTML.
  • Extension to save HTML file.
Hey guys let me tell you more about tags. So, let’s start the discussion.

The characteristics of the feature of a tag are defined by an attribute. An attribute is used inside a tag. An attribute always take a value to help the browser perform the specific task in a particular direction. There may be more than one attribute used inside a tag.

What is element?

An element is a combination of a start tag, the text (we also use text to insert graphics ) and the end tag.

For example:

<body> element begins with start tag, followed by text and ends with end tag</body>.

Structure of HTML

The basic structure of html is shown below:



<title> The structure of html document</title>



     The body of Html



The basic structure of HTML document is divided into two sections namely, the head and the body. The browser enters the first section after executing the start tag of HTML (telling the browser to begin interpreting the HTML commands) and start tag of HEAD. The first section helps in changing the heading on the title bar of the HTML document.

Extension to save html  file is html or htm.

This is only for today .


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